Welcome to the new/updated site! Since 2002, your old-school website for all things stencils. Please consider donating what you can to support the much-needed upgrade. Photo, video, links, and exhibit info submissions always welcome. Enjoy and stay curious.

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Signs of Change in Portland, OR

February 4 – March 19, 2010

PNCA Main Campus Building, Feldman Gallery + Project Space, 1241 NW Johnson St.

Gallery hours: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily

In Signs of Change: Social Movement Cultures 1960s to Now, hundreds of posters, photographs, moving images, audio clips, and ephemera bring to life over forty years of activism, political protest, and campaigns for social justice. Curated by Dara Greenwald and Josh MacPhee as part of Exit Art’s Curatorial Incubator Program, this important and timely exhibition surveys the creative work of dozens of international social movements.

18 Feb :: Jeremy Novy :: Art Attack

Art Attack, an emerging artists showcase event of performance, art, music, food, dance, and colorful networking.....a sanctuary for the urban artist!!! Every third thursday we open our stage to Dj's, Performers and artists of ALL walks to come and share there art!!! to bring you the latest in the sf local creative arts scene!!! The cost is A mere $5 and the entire door is split amongs the artists!!!!

art attack is back this month with a flawless line up of local SF talent!

door .... at 8pm $5....with our door clown

Come Early , stay late, and enjoy the eye-popping immersive multi-media  experience. supperclub san francisco is located at 657 Harrison Street at 3rd St, in San Francisco.

10Feb :: Czarnobyl, Pisa73 Exhibit in Berlin

Wed., Feb. 10, 2010

8pm to 11pm


Gorlitzer Str. 52

Berlin, Germany

Die fünfte Ausstellung in der Galerie über dem Nest (via Wendeltreppe): Schablonen Graffiti auf Leinwand von Czarnobyl und Pisa73. Eröffnung ist am Mittwoch, den 10.02.2010, ab 20:00, mit Musik von Dejoe, Jorge Alistano und den üblichen Verdächtigen.

Jef Aerosol :: in "Love or Sex" Group Show, Paris

Exposition collective
du 11/02/2010 au 27/02/2010
Vernissage le 11/02/2010 à partir de 18h
Gérard Rancinan / Robert Mappelthorpe
Speedy Graphito / Noart
JonOne / Psykoze
Taling / Bettie Nin
Exterface / David Mason
Katya Legendre / Éric Guglielmi
Jef Aérosol / LA2
Mijn Schatje / Chris Von Steiner
Galerie Brugier-Rigail
48, rue Sainte-Croix
de la Bretonnerie
75004 Paris

Chris Stain Update

New http://www.chrisstain.com/ coming with FB, Twitter, and Regular Updates

What Else Is Up

In other news this month I've painted two murals for separate benefits.
One at WIN Initiative in SOHO for a creative info share called Take 5.
And another in Brooklyn at the Brooklyn Bowl called Rock and Wrap It Up which is an anti poverty organization. More on that here Win4Hunger.
Good People.

Graffiti's Story

February 5, 2010

Graffiti’s Story, From Vandalism to Art to Nostalgia

Original NYTims article appears here

Eric Felisbret stood by a chain-link fence, watching three men spraying graffiti on a backyard wall in Upper Manhattan. One man smiled and invited him over.

“You can go around the corner and when you see a sign for a seamstress, go in the alley,” the man said. “Or you can jump the fence, like we did.”

Mr. Felisbret, 46, chose the long way. Not that he is unused to fence-jumping. In the 1970s, that was one of his skills as a budding graffiti writer who stole into subway yards. Using the nom de graf DEAL, he was part of the Crazy Inside Artists, a legendary crew from East New York, Brooklyn. This time, though, instead of wielding a spray can, he pulled out a camera and took a quick snapshot of the artwork, done with the landlord’s permission.

Illicit Stencil Saves Cyclist

CCA Chicago presents "Tools for Actions"

Toronto’s Urban Repair Squad grew tired of waiting for municipal authorities to create adequate bicycle lanes and began to install their own DIY infrastructure, encouraging others to take action against car culture. Since 2005, the group has painted over six kilometres of bicycle lanes on major and minor streets in Toronto while disguised as municipal workers – official City of Toronto workers attempt to remove the markings as fast as they are painted.

Soule in Ladies First on 12 Feb.


What better month than February to highlight a ladies only urban contemporary art show. This is the Bherd Studios 2nd Annual show and they feel that perhaps they should just declare the month of February as a celebration of Fabulously Fresh Females Artists! The artists that they are presenting in February are each incredibly productive, talented and highly motivated women who have shown their work on a national and some, on an international level. If you attend any popular local art festival or craft show, you are sure to see myself (Soule) Soopajdelux, Michelle Smith-Lewis and Coco Howard among the mix of entrepreneurial talent.