News Articles

Meet Ian The Meow

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Meet Ian The Meow, The Cat That Reminds San Francisco to “Be Nice.”

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Neanderthal Hand Stencils Dated in Spain

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Neanderthals created hand stencil rock art over 66,000 years ago, U-series dating reveals
Dario Radley

A discovery in Maltravieso Cave, located in Extremadura, Spain, has fundamentally challenged long-held beliefs about the origins of human artistic expression.

Neanderthals created hand stencil rock art over 66,000 years ago, U-series dating reveals

Researchers have determined that hand stencils in the cave date back over 66,000 years, suggesting that Neanderthals, rather than modern humans, were the world’s first artists. This revelation highlights the advanced cognitive and cultural capabilities of Neanderthals.

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Atlanta Embracing Graffiti Artists

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Atlanta BeltLine Embraces Graffiti Artists Amid Changing Urban Landscape

As graffiti morphs from real estate blight to urban amenity, Atlanta’s style writers are driving forces in a conversation about public art.

By Brentin Mock (Link to original)
Jun 01, 2024 01:15

The graffiti-slathered Krog Street Tunnel exists at a collision between old and new Atlanta. On one end, its entrance sits blocks away from the Sweet Auburn district, birthplace of civil rights legend Martin Luther King, Jr. and the site of his tomb. On the other end are Cabbagetown, once home to mill workers, and Reynoldstown, founded by formerly enslaved African Americans, both of which have undergone dramatic neighborhood change.

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Scott Williams, 'greatest of all stencil artists'...

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ph Carrie Galbraith

Scott Williams, ‘greatest of all stencil artists,’ dies at 67 (…

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Scott Williams: Inside Out Exhibit (2012)

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Inside Out: Steven Wolf Fine Arts Recreates Scott Williams' Apartment Studio 

Often considered a predecessor of "Mission School" street artists, Williams is most widely known for densely layered spray paint stencil murals. 

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Xavi's Archive is Updated

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Xavi's set of tools on-site at a wall in the Mission District.

Decided to update Xavi's Stencil Archive this morning after seeing his "Tetris House"…

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Cashing in on Mainstreaming of Street Art

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By Isabella Kwai
New York Times

Isabella Kwai spoke to street artists, developers and real estate advisers from several cities for this article. 

Julian Phethean’s first canvas in London was a shed in his backyard where he covered the walls with bold lettering in spray paint. When he moved his art to the city’s streets in the 1980s, it was largely unwelcome — and he was even arrested a few times. 

“We had nowhere to practice,” he said. “It was just seen as vandalism.” 

These days, the canvases come to Mr. Phethean, better known as the muralist Mr Cenz. Recent facades, which he shares with his sizable following, have included an abstract mural on a Tesla showroom and a portrait of Biggie Smalls, sponsored by Pepsi Max. 

“I never would have envisioned that I’d be able to do it for a living,” he said. 

Landlords wanting to attract young professionals once scrubbed off the rebellious scrawls. That was before…

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Humorous Stencils Lighten Up Parking Spaces

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‘You are not your car’: At this parking garage, every space gets a pearl of wisdom 
Written by Astrid Kane Published Feb. 03, 2024 • 8:00am for the SF Standard

"You are one of the great lovers.” 
“Relax. You’re already there.” 
“You can’t have everything. Where would you put it?” 

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SF 2023 State of Graffiti Tagging

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How SF is aiding businesses clean persistent graffiti
SF Examiner (Link, with maps and graphs)

A parklet, a storefront, a billboard.

Graffiti pops up across The City seemingly as fast as it’s removed.

The City launched a pilot program to help businesses clean up graffiti last November in a press conference that featured Mayor London Breed painting over graffiti scrawled over a vacant brewery in the Inner Sunset.

Less than a year later, graffiti still abounds in not only the Inner Sunset but other San Francisco neighborhoods as well.

The $2 million “courtesy graffiti abatement” program was funded for a second consecutive year in The City budget adopted by legislators and signed by Breed last month. It employs workers who will…

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Preserving traditional Komon stencil dyeing technique

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Endo Komon
Digitizing this Komon stencil will preserve the pattern for future cut outs.

Tokyo shop strives to digitize to preserve traditional Komon stencil dyeing technique

January 16, 2022 (Mainichi Japan)

LINK to article.

TOKYO -- A workshop in Tokyo that creates products using a traditional Japanese stencil dyeing technique called "Edo Komon" has launched a crowdfunding campaign to digitize and preserve the extremely fine patterns which are on the brink of extinction.

The dyeing studio Tomita Sen-Kogei Co. (Tomita Dyeing & Crafts Co.), located at the foot of a bridge over the Kanda River -- a…

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