Welcome to the new/updated site! Since 2002, your old-school website for all things stencils. Please consider donating what you can to support the much-needed upgrade. Photo, video, links, and exhibit info submissions always welcome. Enjoy and stay curious.

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15 March: Jef Aerosol Paints it Green (FR)

à la Galerie du Colisée
Lens - rue de Paris
du 15 mars au 10 avril 2012


Approche de l'Irlande en peintures. Des visages, des personnages évocateurs choisis par un artiste français mordu de culture irlandaise.
Entrée gratuite.
Renseignements, horaires d'ouverture au

17 March: Jeremy Novy Stencil Workshop (SF)

Stencil Art /Street Art Workshop
Teacher: Jeremy Novy
Date: Saturday March 17th @ 3pm
Agenda: 3pm to 5pm theory and stencil,5pm-6pm spraying on the roof of AdoreSpace, dinner afterwards.
Material: All materials will be provided, including stencil kit, colors, cutting tools.
Drinks/Food: Drinks and Dinner are included and will be served after the workshop.
Cost: $30 per person, payable through paypal at adorespace@gmail.com.
You need to pay in advance to book your spot.

Red Goat Stencils Cause a Stir in NY

March 2, 2012
How Graffiti Goats Became a Symbol of ... Something

Original is here.

KINGSTON, N.Y. — The red goats of Kingston came from nowhere. One day there were new, clunky white planters in the stockade district and then, mysteriously, in October they became canvases for about 37 stenciled goats, red on white, like ghost goats from another world.

And then the red goats went everywhere. Thanks in part to a Facebook page, the goats have become a favored form of graffiti art far from this Hudson Valley town — at the Marcy Avenue subway stop and the Williamsburg Bridge in Brooklyn, in Missouri, Michigan and Canada, at the Art Basel show in Miami Beach.

9 March: I Am Crime: Art on the Edge of Law


  What:  I Am Crime: Art on the Edge of Law
    When: March 9–April 19, 2012
    Where: 934 Brannan St. (between 8th & 9th)
    Free Admission During Gallery Hours: Tuesday–Friday, 12–7pm,  Saturday, 12–5pm.

    Opening Reception: Thursday, March 8, 6–9pm, fee admission
    I Fought The Law: A Conversation with Artists & Attorneys: Wednesday, March 21, 7–9pm, free admission
    Undocumented and Unafraid: An Evening of Film & Conversation: Friday, April 13, 6–9pm, $5 suggested donation
    Closing Reception: Thursday, April 19th 6–9PM, free admission

I Am Crime: Art on the Edge of Law is an exhibition of more than 30 artists and collectives that challenge, question or circumvent the law through their work.  Curated by Justin Hoover, I Am Crime touches on issues of equity—who gets to break the law, when, and why.

“True Crime,” a collaborative installation conceived by Critical Art Ensemble, invites any visitor to become part of the exhibition.

See if it Sticks: Preview Archive

Here are a batch of photos I've taken over the past few weeks, showing the collabs with Todd Hanson as well as some of the current public art inside Density.


Show opens tonight, premiering the main wall with three pieces by Scott Williams, the half-tone money series by Russell as well as interactive stencils and cut-outs by Todd.

beer, wine, and free stickers while supplies last.

7-9pm tonight at Density: 593 Valencia St. at 17th....

Shameless Marketing Blog Post About Movie Stencil Ad

NOTE: To see too many photographs of a legal, trademarked stencil, go here (for original posting)

We've left our mark in the name of Spider-Man. Permanently this time! Last night I was called on the phone I picked up in the Mark of the Spider-Man viral to meet up in downtown Los Angeles to participate in an incognito event around the city involving tagging the Mark of the Spidey on walls around Hollywood. It was awesome. And you can still see our work. This isn't the only city either, as groups have hit Atlanta, Seattle, Denver, and also coming up tonight, New York and Phoenix, too. Our group of 10 and the Mark crew took stencils and rode in a van around the city last night spreading the word of Spidey. Here's what went down.

Note: Before anyone says anything, this was a completely legal, virally-coordinated event involving Sony / Columbia Pictures in the background. All of the locations were marked and chosen and this was designed to be an "in-fiction" event for Spidey fans like us to experience. It is not meant to encourage illegal activity or vandalism and we did not just ride around choosing random walls to tag. That said, it was an awesome idea and if you know the locations, you can now find these Spider-Man symbols hidden all around the country.