Welcome to the new/updated site! Since 2002, your old-school website for all things stencils. Please consider donating what you can to support the much-needed upgrade. Photo, video, links, and exhibit info submissions always welcome. Enjoy and stay curious.

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Gee Vaucher / Exitstencil Press News


OK, this is the first mail out from Exitstencil Press and there’s much to tell, which is one of the reasons it has taken so long to say hello.

Firstly, we have very kindly been offered a gallery in London with which to officially launch Exitstencil Press  back into the land of the living again.
The’ UNDERGROUND GALLERY’ is exactly that and underneath Charing Cross Station, London.
This new gallery is the brainchild of a young photographer called Christine Santa Ana who, no doubt, has a lot of other good ideas up her sleeve for the future.
The launch of Exitstencil will take place on  21st NOVEMBER – 5th DECEMBER.
There will be a series of events starting with music from Tony Barber and Danny Drummond, otherwise known as THE NEAR FUTURE
Other events have yet to be confirmed and once they are, we’ll let you know all the times and dates.
There is an exhibition about to open at the BOO-HOORAY GALLERY NYC.
If you are around anytime between 30th SEPTEMBER – 20th OCTOBER, take a look at the show, it’s a fascinating display of fanzines
and other ephemera from the 70’s-90’s.
Again there will be events happening, so see the website.

21 Sep :: Streetart Summit (Slovakia)

(English website) http://www.stanica.sk/?lang=en

21. - 24. septembra (streda - sobota)
streetart a graffiti sympózium

Streetart Summit
Témou ôsmeho pokračovania graffiti a streetart sympózia Streetart Summit je nekonečno. 11 vybraných výtvarníkov zo Slovenska (nielen striktne streetartových umelcov) bude počas štyroch dní pracovať na Stanici, pričom proces tvorby bude po celý čas voľne prístupný aj pre verejnosť. Sympózium zakončí v sobotu večer vernisáž hotových prác. Podrobnosti hľadajte v priebehu mesiaca na www.stanica.sk.

19 Sep :: Things to Come (AU)

Metro Gallery is excited to present the work of three new artists in its upcoming group show, ‘Things to Come’. Exhibiting the works of Daniel Smith, JKB Fletcher and E.L.K, the show will officially welcome this group of 2011 Metro Gallery Art Award finalists to the Gallery’s stable of artists.

These young artists represent some of the best emerging Australian talent. From Daniel Smith’s picturesque realism, to E.L.K’s intricate stencils and JKB Fletcher’s fantastical female portraits, ‘Things To Come’ promises to present diverse artistic techniques, subject matter and palette – the makings of an exciting and unique group exhibition.


Metro Gallery
1214 High Street
Armadale, Australia

Archives Are Back Up!

Please roam about the thousands of photos at your leisure, but always wear the safety belt if you remain seated....

New Uploads coming very soon....

Thanks as always for your support, patience, and visits!

17 Sep :: Jeremy Novy's Reverse Side Reversed

Saturday, September 17 · 6:00pm - 9:00pm

161 Erie st, San Francisco, CA 94103 · Get Directions
+1 415-932-0955

"The reverse side also has a reverse side."~ Japanese Proverb

Turn on. Tune in.

Take a trip with the Roll Up Gallery through a psychedelic utopia of
melting colors, amorphous shapes and strange personages...

Transcend your common surroundings and enter into a hallucinogenic
universe of experimental fractals, ecstatic visions and urban fishes

16 Sep :: Get Up Missing the Point (Oakland)

Friday, September 16 · 7:00pm - 10:00pm

Brand new Get Up paintings and prints on display and for sale.
Live beat performance by a special guest at 10 pm.

gamma space is proud to present an exciting exhibition of bay area based artists:

missing the point .

exhibiting artists:

mia waldern

lexx valdez

get up

dakota waterman

bernardo urquieta

6608 San Pablo Ave.
Oakland, CA 94608

Archives Still Broken ... Fix is Sloooow

If you're still wondering, there is still no access to the Stencil Archives.

We are trying to fix the situation as fast as we can.

Apologies to everyone who is trying to access and enjoy the photos.

This no budget labor of love is fast becoming a well-oiled semi-pro org! After two server breaks in a year, we're rethinking our strategy and hope to have improved service for you all, very soon, from here on out!



Young & Free : Sneak Peek

Met up with Ha-Ha last night to catch up and welcome him and the other artists to San Francisco. He happened to have a key to the gallery, so took me over to show me the walls. The long hallway entrance to 941 Geary will be covered in street art and graffiti, similar to the famous Hoosier Lane in Melbourne. Ha-Ha said that the coverage was in progress, so expect more layers than these sneak peak photos have. After the tour, I bought Ha-Ha a pint at a nearby Tenderloin dive bar where the crew has designated their local. Good to see some of these folks I met in Melbroune when I launched my Stencil Nation tour three years ago.

Go to this show Sat.: http://www.youngandfreeart.com/