23 Aug: Stencil Portraits by Thomas Muller (Hamburg, DE)

Thomas and I have a lot in common. We both started photographing stencils and then firgured out how to cut and paint our own. Thomas is one of the first photographers to share his photos with the Stencil Archive, and was featured in my book back in 2008. When I took my Stencil Nation tour to Europe, he helped me set up a presentation in Hamburg. Most if not all of the stencil artists showed up to that freezing basement happening, and they all brought art with them. It was one of the first group shows they had ever had, and I was very happy that Thomas had put it all together (and even made a flyer).

He was already cutting out his portrait stencils then, encouraged by all the other stencilers. I've had a great time seeing his collection grow over the years, as well as trying to figure out who all the people in his stencils are.

Ich lade Euch ein zur Eröffnung meiner Ausstellung "STENCIL PORTRAITS" am 23.8. (Do.) um 19:30 in der B65 / Bartelsstr. 65 (Schanzenviertel).