E.L.K., Leckomio, Jef Aerosol, Soule, and many others in these two Art Basel events.

ART WHINO: MIAMI will be an innovative New Brow exhibition, complete with receptions and musical performances that will heighten the experience beyond the typical art show. Art from two separate traveling exhibitions, LIFE ESSENTIALS and OLD SKOOLIN’ will be brought together in Miami for the first time. This landmark multi-city, comprehensive exhibition will bring together the best of both traditionally trained and urban street art styles, helping to more define this era in contemporary art and set the bar even higher for the direction of art today. This combined show will highlight both music and art that spans the spectrum of current trends, and will be accompanied by installations and auxiliary exhibitions featuring live painting by several Art Whino artists.

Art Whino has also teamed up with Urbanite Bistro to host a special all day event Thursday, December 3rd in the outdoor garden space of Urbanite Bistro, featuring over 15 Art Whino artists painting live and musical performances. Artists will also showcase some of their newest works inside the restaurant for the entire of the month of December.

Outside of Urbanite Bistro, on several surrounding buildings, Primary Flight: The world’s largest site-specific street level mural installation will be taking place throughout the week. For more information visit

Main Exhibit
Charcoal Studios
Across from the Street From Scope
2135 NW 1st AVE
Miami, FL 33127

2nd Location
Urbanite Bistro
One block from Pulse
62 NE 14th Street
Miami, FL 33132

Thursday Dec 3rd
Charcoal Studios

Art Whino: MIAMI
General Admission

Friday Dec 4th
Charcoal Studios

Art Whino: MIAMI
General Admission

Reception with DJ Set by ANCIENT ASTRONAUTS
$30 Reception Admission includes complimentary food samplings by Urbanite Bistro. Cocktails courtesy of Ultimat Vodka, Blue Coat American Gin, Taittinger Champagne and Appleton Rum

Saturday Dec 5th
Charcoal Studios

Art Whino: MIAMI
General Admission

Reception with DJ Set by Chris Devlin of SPANK ROCK
$30 Reception Admission includes complimentary food samplings by Urbanite Bistro. Cocktails courtesy of Ultimat Vodka, Blue Coat American Gin, Taittinger Champagne and Appleton Rum

Sunday Dec 6th
Charcoal Studios

Art Whino: MIAMI
General Admission

Life Essentials Artists
Adam Russell, Adorable Creatures, Anna Davis, Anko, Asbestos, Andy Haynes, Anna Thackray, Arabella Proffer, Arisu, Blaine Fontana, Brad Strain, Brendan Tierney, Brandi Read, Brandon McLean, Bryan Collins , Casey Weldon, Charlie Owens, Chris Bishop, Chris Murray, Chris Sheridan, Daniel Fleres, Dan May, Drew Storm Graham, Dustin Ortiz, Edward Gross, Emily Greene Liddle, Esho, Fred Harper, Graham Franciose, Gregory Ferrand, J Asher Lynch, James Walker, Jason John, Jason Snyder, Jimbot

John Collier, John Hung Ha, John Powell, JoKa, Joshua Krause, Julie Steiner, Luis Lorenzana, Justin Lovato, Kareem Rizk, Kelly Vivanco, LECKOmio, Leonor Morais, Lisa Selby, Lucho, Luke Dixon, Marie Barr, Mario Wagner, Mark Jenkins, Matt Dangler, Mary Spring, Matt Somma, Michelle Caplan, Michael Crockett, Michael Owen, Mike Weber, Mikel Glass, Misprinted Type

Molotov Circus, Molly Crabapple, Morten Andersen, Nicolas Gracey, Nishi, Paulo Arraiano, Papermonster, Patrick Fatica, Raudiel Sañudo, Reuben Rude, Richard Alan Haugh, Richard Salcido, Rick Beaupre, Rick Reese, Robert Mars, Rudy Fig, Sam Ramos, Scotch, Scott G. Brooks, Spencer Reynolds, Steven Daily, Steven Smith, Sylvia Ortiz, Sugar Power, Terri Woodward, TMNK, Ursula Xanthe Young, Zach Tobias,

Old Skoolin Artists
Adam Russell, Adrian 'Viajero' Roman, Alan Defibaugh, Annabelle Hartmann, Aniekan Udofia, Aryz, Aunia Kahn, Billy Mode, Brandon Hill, Brent E. Houzenga, Brooke Grucella, Cern YMI, Chris Brett, Chris Stain, CUTTHROAT, Daniel Barojas, Dave Lowell, Dave MacDowell, Decoy, Downer, Drew Storm Graham, DSPAG, Dust, E.L.K, Ernesto Nasimo

Eyeone, Farfk, Frerk, gaNyan, Heather Randell, James Walker, Jazirock, Jef Aerosol, J Coleman, Jim 'Penny' Penfold's, Josh Taylor, Justin French, Justin Lovato, Kenn Munk, Ki Yoon Ko, Koleszar, The Krah, LECKOmio, Lelo, Marc C. Woehr, Mark "DARK" Ramos, Mefee, Mike Owen, Mode 2

Nate Frizzell, Nils Westergard, Pablo Cristi, Papermonster, Phoneticontrol, Pixielife, Project Detonate, Raudiel Sañudo, Rik Catlow, Robots Will Kill, Ron Zakrin, Ruben Ubiera, Scotch, Sheesh, Skibs, Soule, Stncl.07, Surge, Tika, Tim Conlon, TMNK, Werc, Will Barras