2. take a look at things that are happening currently and coming up in the future at the Mountain Label blog!
This is the news site which will keep you up to date on what's going on over here. Both site will be updated regularly, the site with finished
projects and the blog with everything else, group show news, new projects as they are happening etc.
3. the Mountain Label design studio is now my full time job! Yes, some may know and some may not, but after an almost 7 year stint designing and
creating for one company, I'm off on my own, (well and with my office manager and our intern) to work, well as freeeeeeelance, for anyone including you!
There is so much more going on, but I think that's the big 3, and the rest will make it's way on the site and the blog...
Thanks, and check out the sites!
Talk soon,