Upcoming projects...
"Everything is Beautiful" by Chris Stain
April showers bring me to LA and the Scion gallery courtesy of Mr. Roger Gastman.
He's curating a show called "Rooms" April 24 - May 15, 2010
I plan on doing a relief type installation out of cardboard with my pal Billy Mode lending a helping hand. We will be working with several images; Among them will be this truck I just cut and an older painting entitled "Everything is Beautiful."
Bill is going to paint a "Danger" piece on the truck in memory of our long lost comrade VOKE with hope that somehow we can meet up again somewhere.
I'm going down to Baltimore with Mr. Leon Reid of Darius and Downey fame to do an install for "Urban Appalachia," a show that revolves around the migration of people from the Appalachian mountains coming into Baltimore looking for work in industry in the 1960s and 70s.
Our little section of the show will be called "Ain't Goin' Home Soon," named after the song of the same title written by a resident of the mountains. Leon is doing a "John Henry" sculpture and layin' some railroad tracks and I am planning some additional work and building some shacks.
More information at the Creative Alliance. http://www.creativealliance.org/