(FIXED) ISSUE: Thumbnails down in the Archive pages

Thanks to Mission Web Works for the fix!

Issue has been fixed.... refresh your browser to reload thumbnails.


You may have noticed that the Stencil Archive albums are showing broken links for the thumbnails. Emails and job tickets have been put in motion to fix the broken links.

WORKAROUND: The linked text/titles still work. Clicking through will get you to the albums, where the stencil photos can still be viewed.

As always, thanks for visiting and being patient while we fix things.

This is a volunteer-run site with no huge income streams. No personal info is sold, gleaned, or swiped for maximum profit and exploitation. No adware or cryptocurrency schemes are in the background. Cookies aren't generating a profile of you that can be resold to the highest bidder.

This is a Creative Commons site that is supported by other sources of income, including any donations or tours/book sales from people who appreciate our years of passion and hard work.