Fresh Mexico Uploads


Over 80 stencil images from Mexico have been added to the Mexico Stencil Archive.

Heading into Guadalajara from the airport a few weeks ago, the taxi occupants became sharp-eyed observers of the moving walls outside the car. As we got closer to our temporary Stencil Archive HQ, the seen stencils became more common. And just across the street from our lodgings, an empty building covered with graffiti. And stencils. Recent women's march(es) had gone down the Av. Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, painting walls and sidewalks with messages, images, and proof that stencils, as a tool of protest, give voice to those that cut their ideas out. The Colonia America district did not disappoint. Other stencils were found here and there in Tlaquepaque and the City Center - even in Calvillo, Aguascalientes - but our discovery team did not have to walk too far to fill up the camera roll!