Stencil Archive just got an upgrade!
Woah. Do things look different around here? Can I now bookmark Stencil Archive on my mobile browser home screen and click anytime to enjoy the latest and greatest in negative space? Has everything changed?
Many questions with a few easy answers. Welcome to the latest version of the Stencil Archive, including all the fresh content you've grown to love over the years but with a new look. The site is now responsive, which is techy speak for "you can open in up on your iOS or Android device and flick around the site." Try it horizontal or vertical! Only the look and response to where you're looking has changed.
Yes you can bookmark the site to your mobile home screen. The site even has a new version of the logo for the icon. For iOS just follow these steps:
- Go to the page you want to save.
- Click on the bottom middlemost button, the one with the arrow shooting out of the box
- Click on "ADD TO HOME SCREEN" on the popup box
And NO NO NO.... there won't be any pop up/drop down pages asking for your email (or showing ads), kickstarters, indigogos, personal info collecting and sales, mbedded/wiggly ads, useless clickbait, or other crappy money-making schemes. If you wish to support the site, a simple donation will do (see the s/tour page for ways to contribute).
And YES YES YES.... please submit photos, links, videos, gallery openings and anything stencil-related. Here's to another 12 years of stencil fun. Thanks for all the help and support so far. - Russell