(1) Art Auction for Daniel McGowan
We're writing to you to ask for your help. Visual Resistance is
planning a gallery show and art auction to raise money for the legal
defense of our friend Daniel McGowan.
Daniel is an environmental and social justice activist who was
unjustly arrested last December as part of a multi-state sweep on
environmental activists by the federal government. He was charged in
federal court on multiple counts of arson, property destruction, and
conspiracy. Daniel asserts his innocence and has pleaded not guilty
to all charges. He is facing a minimum of life in prison if convicted.
Daniel is also a close personal friend and a well-known and well-loved
member of the New York City activist community. His arrest has left
the community in shock.
We are reaching out to artists we know are committed to political
activism (social justice?) to help us organize an art benefit for
Daniel's defense (fund). We are arranging for a space in New York to
hold a one-night show and auction in early April. Some art will also
be sold through our website, visualresistance.org. All proceeds will
go to help pay Daniel's legal costs.
Any artwork you can contribute will be a huge help, and we appreciate
your generosity in advance.
Please contact us if you are interested in donating artwork. We plan
to include both originals and prints, with prices ranging from $5 to
$500. We are more than happy to work with you on your terms.
We will keep you updated as we find a space and set a firm date for
the show. Thanks in advance for your help!
Visual Resistance collective / visualresistance.org
Email: visual.resistance [at] gmail.com
Phone: (347) 218-2536
For background information and news on Daniel's case, see www.supportdaniel.org
Below is an official statement about the case released by Friends and
Family of Daniel McGowan:
Daniel McGowan is an environmental and social justice activist,
unjustly arrested and charged in federal court on multiple counts of
arson, property destruction, and conspiracy, relating to two incidents
that occurred in Oregon in 2001. Daniel asserts his innocence by
pleading not guilty to all charges. He is facing a minimum of life in
prison if convicted.
Daniel is from New York, and has been an active member of the
community, working on diverse projects such as the demonstrations
against the Republican National Convention, Really Really Free
Markets, and supporting political prisoners such as Jeff "Free" Luers
and others. Daniel was a graduate student earning a Master's degree in
acupuncture and was working at Women's Law, a nonprofit group that
helps women in domestic abuse situations navigate the legal system,
which is where he was arrested by federal marshals on December 7th,
Daniel had originally been indicted separately, but his arrest comes
in the context of a well-coordinated, multi-state sweep of numerous
activists by the federal government, who has charged the individuals
with practically every earth and animal liberation case left unsolved.
Many of the charges, including Daniel's, are for cases whose statute
of limitations were about to expire.
In order to help Daniel, his family and friends have created a support
network (Family and Friends of Daniel McGowan) in order to help fund
Daniel's legal representation which is expected to be hundreds of
thousands of dollars. We are asking his friends and supporters to
donate what they can to help Daniel's family with the legal bills. The
support group will also be covering the cost of postage and telephone
calls, travel expenses for prison visits, reading material for Daniel,
his commissary fund, and whatever other needs might arise.
(2)The Misled Youth Network was created to tackle issues that young people of all backgrounds face including incarceration, institutionalization, drug abuse, mental illness, disunity, family problems, and an alienating education system. We believe that much of the potential that we as youth have to counter these problems lies in our different youth cultures --hip-hop, punk rock, skater, and so many more. The first step we need to take in order to understand and learn from each other is to get to know each other. The LiveWire Festival is about bringing together diverse groups of young people who may be normally be isolated from each other, and finding out just what is possible through a variety of performances, visual art, workshops, discussions and more. And so we proudly present...
[the first ever all-city youth culture extravaganza!!!]
APRIL 29-30th 2006, Office Ops Arts Center, NYC
LIVE PERFORMANCES by various bands, MC's, poets, and dancers
[confirmed performers include Choking Victim, Ricanstruction, members of the Hip Hop Project, the Black 100’s, Rabia, R-Tronika, and more]
EXHIBITION OF ARTWORK representing a variety of styles and mediums including graffiti, collage, comic book illustration, and more
WORKSHOPS about using the arts to address youth issues, discussions
about independent learning, mental health, youth rights, film screenings, and more
FRESH FOOD for all tastes
This is a call-out to all young artists and artists interested in working with youth who would like to participate in this event. Possibilities include displaying your work, facilitating workshops ranging from the practical how-to (Stencils 101) to the theoretical (Art as a Tool for Communication and Social Change), or simply participating in the event as a learning experience. We are visual artists ourselves and would love to discuss any ideas you may have. We're especially interested in art rooted in or influenced by youth cultures such as street art/graffiti, zines, and comics, though we also value traditional knowledge and techniques.
Our long term goal is to encourage the formation of self-directed learning groups where young people and their allies can empower themselves through gaining knowledge and taking action. These groups may have clear, tangible goals such as reading a book together or creating a poster campaign around a particular issue. They can also serve as support groups. A large portion of the proceeds from the LiveWire Festival will go to the formation of these groups and projects, and we are also working towards developing our website as a tool for community-based education. And so we are also inviting you to participate in these more long-term projects in either a teaching or learning role (or both). We'll be having a smaller, follow-up gathering at some point during the week of May 13th-20th for anyone interested in initiating these kinds of projects. We're also having regular planning meetings for anyone who'd like to help organize the festival, get in touch if you want to attend.
And if all that sounded like too much, just come out to have fun!
Contact: Sarah Quinter (347) 284-8434
(3) Call for Entries: Social Justice Calendar
Each year the Bread and Roses Cultural Project of 1199SEIU produces a Social Justice calendar. The calendar includes quotes and images that relate to the experience of being a part of the Labor Movement. The calendar is a celebration of working class culture. We are looking for artists to include in the calendar and possibly in other Labor Movement projects. Artists included in the calendar receive $1200 for the reproduction rights of their work. The work will appear in the calendar and possibly in posters, note cards, and other products. The artist will be invited to include work in the calendar show at the Martin Luther King Jr. Labor Center in NYC. This show will include an opening and media attention.
• Bread and Roses is looking for work about immigration and the diversity of the new American workforce.
• Bread and Roses is looking for work that is inclusive and celebrates working class culture. Our aim is to build and support a wide-ranging Labor Movement.
• Bread and Roses is looking for work that is beautiful and not didactic.
• Each image in the calendar is matched with a quote. Some of the quotes used in the past have been:
• Please send examples of work to Zoeann.Murph [at] gmail.com or mail examples to:
Zoeann Murphy
Troy Workforce Development Center
24 Fourth Street
Troy, NY 12180
The calendar is produced by The Bread and Roses Cultural Project of 1199SEIU and the SEIU Greenhouse Program. SEIU stands for the Service Employees International Union. These two non-profits have joined to create a national arts program because art plays a critical part in building a renewed and dynamic labor movement - one richly enhanced by the heart and soul that art provides. For more information about Bread and Roses check out www.bread-and-roses.com.
(4)Call for Exhibition Artists:
The B-Girl Be gallery exhibition will take place on June 29-August 19, 2006 @ Intermedia Arts main gallery, 2822 Lyndale Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA 55408.
2006 B-Girl Be Exhibition Artists Guidelines and Required Application
available at www.IntermediaArts.org point to Program/ B-Girl Be or call
(612) 871-4444 to have the application sent by mail.
Deadline for Work Samples and Application Submissions: Friday, April 14, 2006
Application Process
B-Girl Be seeks submissions from female visual artists whose work demonstrates involvement in and knowledge of hip-hop culture. We envision a multi-disciplinary, cutting edge exhibition that highlights the distinct aesthetic of hip-hop. B-Girl Be will consider applications from artists who work in the mediums of drawing, painting, photography, sculpture, collage, aerosol, airbrush, fashion, mixed and other visual mediums. We also encourage experimental and multimedia artists and collectors (i.e. albums, party flyers, concert ticket stubs, sneakers, etc.) to apply. Artists of all experience levels, individual artists and collaborative teams welcome.
B-Girl Be Call for B-Girls, Poppers, Lockers & Hip-Hop Dancers:
B-Girl Be is looking for female artists to perform at the upcoming B Girl
Be: Celebration of Women in Hip-Hop. There will be various opportunities to perform at the Summit and at Fundraisers and Promotional Events. We are encouraging a wide range of choreography from high-energy routines to freestyle ciphers to dance/theater works.
We are accepting submissions in the form of a DVD or video of your live
stage performance. If you do not have any of these things you can contact
us and let us know when your next show or rehearsal is so we can come
check you out live. Auditions will be scheduled as needed.
Please clearly label all of your samples and cue samples to exact starting point. Deadline for submissions: April 14, 2006. Drop off or send your work samples along with a recent photo and bio to:
Intermedia Arts, attn: Leah Nelson / Dance Curator, 2822 Lyndale Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55408
If you have any other questions call or email Leah Nelson
Leah Nelson
612 871 8488
lnelson [at] visi.com
For more information about B-Girl Be 2005 you canvisit: www.intermediaarts.org and look under programsfor B-Girl Be.
B-Girl Be Call for Performers:
B-Girl Be is looking for female artists to perform at the upcoming B Girl
Be: Celebration of Women in Hip-Hop, June 29 - July 2, 2006. There will
be various opportunities to perform at the summit and at fundraisers and promotional events leading up to the event.
We are accepting submissions in the form of a CD, DVD, or video of your
live stage performance. If you do not have any of these things you can
contact us and let us know when your next show is so we can come check
you out live. Auditions will be scheduled as needed.
Deadline for submissions: Friday, April 14, 2006
Drop of or send your work samples along with a recent photo and bio to:
Intermedia Arts
attn: Desdamona / Performance Curator
2822 Lyndale Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55408
If you are sending a CD, please send at least 3 full songs and a
description of what your live show consists of (example: DJ, track show,
live band, other vocalists, etc). If you have any other questions call or email Desdamona.
desdamona4 [at] aol.com
Please pass this on to others who may be interested.
(5) NERVE house, the quarterly, DIY, print publication is back to give a voice to change through art!
We're looking for submissions from anywhere in the world, and a wide diversity of opinion, so don't be shy. Post it on your arts, politics and cultural lists, send it to your friends and your enemies and, of course, looking for your submissions as well
Using words, images and ideas:
- To inspire and outrage you
- To present independent thought, opposing viewpoints and provocative ideas
- To ask difficult questions, raise awareness and incite original action
- To give voice to change through art
Themes for first issue (deadline 5/08/06): Power and/or Choice, broadly or loosely defined.
All submissions must be previously unpublished (or include the names of where previously published) and under 800 words. Rights revert to author.
Art in Words: Poetry, prose, rants, opinions
Art in Images: Photography, comix, drawings, doodles (we love them): Please send images!
Art in Ideas: Essays, commentaries, reviews
Directory: Contributors are entitled to a 25-word listing/bio (must be included with submission) in the issue in which they are published.
Submissions should be sent to:
NERVE house
nervehouse [at] yahoo.com
(6) The Wolver(Z)ine & D.I.Y. Fest in Ann Arbor, Michigan
is being organized now for August 26, 2006. You might be interested in being an exhibitor,
visiting, or helping to spread the word.
For lots of information see