Opening October 27th 6pm - 10pm
Show ends December 1st
PIXNIT's 2007 international street-art project culminates with a
solo exhibition at Gallery Revisited. We are very excited to host this
international artist and to promote this fresh approach to an already
vital and important part of the Los Angeles artistic landscape.
Gallery Revisited
3204 Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA. 90026
(626) 253-5266
Leora Lutz: owner -curator
hours: Wednesday - Sunday, 12 to 6
This project and exhibition proposes to cross the boundary between the ephemeral urban exterior and the semi-permanent gallery setting. PIXNIT's
solo show is comprised of wall paintings and smaller integrated works on canvas. These mixed media paintings on canvas speak to grotesque beauty and refined excess using contrasting gestures and an unapologetic color palette. Also on view will be the "Flora File", the on going photo-documentation of PIXNIT street installations. Visitors to the show will be invited to take a stencil home and participate in the project.