Stencil Archive Spring Picnic Upload

Greets one and all. In Davis, CA today, along with thousands of revelers. No, they aren't here for the Stencil Nation presentation (steep competition last night but Sacramento will be better tomorrow). They're here for the 96th Annual Picnic.... which looks like a college party all over the place!

Tasty jpg treats for you all today, from across the globe (mostly California):

Stencilada pics (showing the process of making my two panels)

Stencil Nation (thanks Janet Bike Girl for a Pages window display)


SF Artists

Other Artist Updates/New

Other Locations

OK.... must pack up here at Mishka's and head out to find foooooood. Hopefully in a place where there aren't throngs of beer swilling co-eds..... Then again, maybe some beer swigging is in order......