Stencil Nation Goes to 4th Print Run for 2011

In Mid-December I ran into "Stencil Nation" publisher Jennifer Joseph at the annual Last Gasp Xmas Party (always a fun time). She let me know that the book continues to seel quite well and that the 2010 3rd print run was practically sold out. She contacted me over this past weekend to let me know that the book is now in a 4th print run.

What does this mean? It means that you can buy it from me, buy it online, or buy it from your local bookstore, graff supply store, or hipster store.

Your local store doesn't have it? Tell them to contact Manic D Press or me and we'll give them distro info.

As always I am still available to present, lecture, or sit on a panel and geek out on stencil art, graffiti, and any kind of public art. Just let me know by hitting that "contact" link up in the mast head!

And, after 9 years of being a stencil fan and artist, THANKS as always for your enthusiasm and support.

Adding this to this post so the RSS can get the good stuff:

STILL GOING STRONG! Stencil Nation: Graffiti, Community, and Art (Manic D Press, publisher) A 4th print run has been released for 2011!

BUY an autographed copy of the book directly from the author! has been updated for 2011, including a reduced book price. Stop by to visit.

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More Stencil Nation photos on our Flickr site.

Sometimes blogging about the status of Stencil Nation here.