Urban Soule Summer Update

Dear Friends,
Summer is finally here and there is much to do in outdoor activities... this email focuses on the Open Air Festivals I will be participating in! Please do stop by,say hello and enjoy the outdoors with some crisp lemonade and new art work!


June Happenings!

room 218 hostel [ http://www.hostelseattle.com/ ]

The room I painted at the Hostel


+City Hostel Seattle

2327 2nd Avenue

Seattle, WA 98121

Featuring mini stencils painted on wood blocks for $20.- ea!

Artist Reception June 17th 6-9pm

(if you can't make it to the reception,don't fret! It will be up until mid-July)

20th Annual Shoreline Arts Festival
June 26th and 27th
18560 1st Ave NE
Lots of new work in all sizes staring at $15. +

Saturday 10-7 and Sunday 10-5

Over 80 Art Vendors Featured!

July is Where it's At!

summerfest poster [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103488356782&s=528&e=001Kupgf_bx8f5aEBED3…]

+ West Seattle Summerfest [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103488356782&s=528&e=001Kupgf_bx8f5aEBED3…]

July 9th-11th 9am-8/9pm

West Seattle Junction


Booth #97 on California St, 10 booth spaces to the North of Easy Street Records
Click HERE  [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103488356782&s=528&e=001Kupgf_bx8f7Qcz23W…
a map!

muk arts guild [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103488356782&s=528&e=001Kupgf_bx8f7IY90Ts…]

Mukilteo Waterfront  Festival [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103488356782&s=528&e=001Kupgf_bx8f7IY90Ts…]

July 17th 11am-7/8pm

(at the lighthouse)


bellevue festival logo [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103488356782&s=528&e=001Kupgf_bx8f4J-6FRq…]

+Bellevue  Festival of the Arts [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103488356782&s=528&e=001Kupgf_bx8f4J-6FRq…]

July 23-25th- 10am-8pm (Sunday

Cost Plus World Market 10300 NE 8th St


Booth # 176 in the Cost Plus Parking Lot

Over 180 Art Vendors!