Collections, Blogs, Community

Stencil Chile

Submitted by russell on
Aqui se presenta un registro fotográfico de diversos stencils o plantillas encontradas transitando por la calle. La mayoría son fotos obtenidas personalmente, otras son solicitadas a los dueños ... la menor parte son encontradas por la red... Si tienes fotos que quieras exponer en esta galería de arte urbano ... eres bienvenido!! Group:

Larry Jones Photography

Submitted by russell on
Photographing gives me a reason for being out and about and exploring new places. When I don't shoot for three or four days, I start feeling restless. No matter what the occasion I almost always carry a camera with me. Group:

Davis, CA Stencil Wiki

Submitted by russell on
An ongoing collection of stencil images from the streets of Davis, CA Group:

Warsaw Streetart

Submitted by russell on
Photos from DJ Dreadlock Group:

Streetart Berlin

Submitted by russell on

Der Autor ist gebürtiger Berliner und studiert zur Zeit irgendwas mit Medien im berliner Norden. Er interessiert sich seit Jahren für die eng ineinander verstrickten, künstlerischen Themengebiete Streetart, Graffiti und Urban Art.

Aus diesem Interesse und seiner Abneigung gegenüber der zunehmenden Kommerzialisierung der Urban Art entstand die Idee, Streetart und Graffiti mit dem Fokus auf Berlin, frei zugänglich zu dokumentieren.

Deshalb informiert er seit Anfang 2008 regelmäßig über Entwicklungen, Events, die Artists ansich und versucht mit Anleitungen (Tutorials) den Einstieg in die Streetart zu erleichtern.


Sabatoz Urban/Street/Graffiti Art Blog

Submitted by russell on
am happy to announce that I am part of a new blog for Sabotaz Spraypaint. Besides myself, approximately 15 other organizers, artists, event coordinators, and authors will be contributing towards this blog which focuses on the urban/street/graffiti world. I am very excited to be part of such a stellar line up.

Come visit us at:

The list of contributors is:

Alan Bernard - fukn mayhem (Kula Lumpur)
Billy Mode - Graffiti artist (Baltimore)
Broken Crow - Stencil Artist (Minneapolis)
C215 - Stencil Artist (Paris)
Chris Stain - Stencil Artist (Brooklyn)
Component - StreetArse (Auckland)
Dabs - Per Square Metre Gallery (Melbourne)
Daryll Peirce - Art Derailed (Denver)
Demer - Wallnuts (NJ)
Harlan Levey - NNE Network (Brussels)
Ice Cream Man - (Long Beach)
Jeremiah Garcia - n10z (Los Angeles)
Luckystar Studio -… Read moreGroup:


Submitted by russell on

The purpose of "artyfucked" is to document the different artifacts of urban worlds (sketches, graffiti, cartoons) as well as making this form of art more popular and public opinion more sensitive.

"artyfucked" is the first printed sketch and street art journal. It shows masterpieces of the biggest modern galleries from Casablanca up to Molotow. Maybe you find your artwork here as well.


Stencil History X

Submitted by russell on
Le pochoir apparaît comme l’une des tendances graphiques contemporaines les plus importantes, tant dans les milieux de l’illustration commerciale, que dans la rue ou dans les galeries. La technique du pochoir apparemment simple et à la portée de tous permet de larges possibilités artistiques que donne à découvrir cet ouvrage. Group:

Vlepvnet (PL)

Submitted by russell on
Polish street art blog that features stencils and other forms of urban art Group:

tOFz dot org

Submitted by russell on
International urban art photos with a home base in Paris, FR Group: