I will be on the lookout for street stencils, utilitarian markings, and all in between. Drop me an em to russellh[at sign]stencilarchive[dot]org if you'd like to meet up. Or just tell me where to look for walls of pieces or gallery shows with cut-outs.
Would also love to archive artist stencils and cut-outs to either add to your own archive or give you a new one. Will travel to your studio if distance and time allows.
Will only be in London for about 5 days, starting March 3. Will be in Israel for 5 days starting March 22. Will be in Egypt in between those dates. E-mail access may be sketchy.
Any leads and contacts would be greatly appreciated.
Would also love to archive artist stencils and cut-outs to either add to your own archive or give you a new one. Will travel to your studio if distance and time allows.
Will only be in London for about 5 days, starting March 3. Will be in Israel for 5 days starting March 22. Will be in Egypt in between those dates. E-mail access may be sketchy.
Any leads and contacts would be greatly appreciated.