Looks like stencil artist extrordinaire, Peat Wollaeger is at it again. The 2nd Edition of his Luchador Collab-O-Mask show is pulling into San Francisco on March 8th at On Six Gallery(club six).
Peat has reached out to his fellow artists to do collaborative designs on his trademark Wooden Luchador Masks. Collaborative Artists in the show include: Andy Howell, Robert Hargrave, Shawn Barber, Mike Maxwell, MCA, UPSO, Damion Silver, Food One, Pourous Walker, Process Magazine, Daryell Peirce, Mildred and many more! Over 40 masks will be on display.
Be sure to check the show if you’re in the area its going to be some seriously Concentrated Art Power that night! Be sure to wear your Lucha Libre Mask!
The evening is also a launch party for the latest issue of Juxtapoz Magazine - Veni Vedi Veci @ 10pm
Don't miss this!!!
This is a 21+ event.
Cost: FREE!
Official Site: http://www.myspace.com/collabomask