Crack out the wine! Throw the confetti. Stencil Archive just saw it's 10,000th photo get uploaded tonight.
Here is the official photo that hit the milestone amount, a Zapata poster I saw on the May Day march here in San Francisco (location: Mission and 9th St.; artist: BTS)
Here are all the other great uploads that went on the site today:
- A large batch from my recent travels in Canada
- A few more from Washington state
- Didn't find many in Colorado (thanks x-sacto for your submissions)
- TXMX sent another batch from Hamburg
- Small submits from the Los Angeles area, the Philippines, NYC, Portugal, and the UK
Here are the artists submissions, small and large
- a1one in iran
- x-sacto in Cali
- Tiago in Portland
- Larry Cyr in Washington state
- Logan Hicks in NYC
- Quasikunst in Hamburg
- Maxam in Austria
- mo-pi in France
- yAD in Norway
- tona in Hamburg
And the current photos from San Francisco
- Valencia St.
- SoMa and the Financial District
- the Mission
- Clarion Alley
- Haight Street and Duboce Park area
- Hayes Valley
- Other places in SF
A toast of respect to all the artists, friends, and photographers who have kept the submssions coming since 2002. Really appreciate it and hope to see dozens more new stencil photos in the coming years!