Love to Vote

Lois and Clark Present: "LOVE to VOTE"

National political graffiti artist Clark Clark(en) is exhibiting paintings, drawings, and silkscreen monotypes at the Hamilton Fish Branch New York Public Library. "LOVE to VOTE" is an homage to Robert (Clark) Indiana's iconic "Love is God" design that has been parodied and ripped-off frequently in the past forty years.  "All I did was flip the 'L' upside-down and switch-a-roo with the 'V'."  For the past three years Clark(en) stenciled this adaptation across the country. 

Clark's non-partisan activist art straddles the fine lines between pop and underground, High Art and lowbrow, democracy versus anarchy. The artist's first Manhattan solo show, curated by Lois Stavsky, is up through November 4th.  The library, located at 415 E. Houston, is open  Mondays and Wednesdays 10-6, Tuesdays & Thursdays 10-8, and Fridays & Saturdays 10-5. For further information, contact Rodger Taylor at (212) 673-2290.  You can also view Clark's art at