Jef Aerosol :: "All Shook Up" in NYC 29 Jan

Brooklyn Street Art is proud to be a part of Jef Aerosol's NYC Debut at AD HOC GALLERY

All Shook Up: Jef Aerosol
January 29 - February 21, 2010
Opening Reception - Friday, January 29, 2010, 6-10pm
Gallery Hours: Thurs & Fri: 4pm-8pm; Sat & Sun: noon-8pm

Ad Hoc Art
43 Bogart Street (@ Eastern District) Brooklyn, New York 11206 (via subway take the “L” Train to the Morgan Avenue Station)

Ad Hoc Art presents international stencil master Jef Aerosol in New York City for “All Shook Up”, a stunning show of cultural icons by a Street Artist with 30 years in the game.