Stencil Videos

ADW - Step Up to The Plate (Video)

Submitted by russell on

Streets Against the War: Animated Cutouts (Video)

Submitted by russell on

From Cairo, Egypt (Video)

Submitted by russell on

Miss.Tic Reading and Talking (Video)

Submitted by russell on

Sten and Lex Spray a Tape Stencil (Video)

Submitted by russell on

Nabsky Loves his Girlfriend (Video)

Submitted by russell on

Simpsons Couch Gag by Banksy (Video)

Submitted by russell on

Props to Simpsons creator Matt Groening for giving Banksy free reign over the coveted couch gag at the opening of Season 22's Episode 3. A friend on the East Coast texted me "woah" after seeing the bit, and that sums up a not-that-funny-ha-ha skewering of the corporate workings of mega-media companies like Fox.


Roadsworth : Crossing the Line (Video)

Submitted by russell on

Los Piratoz "Love for the Streets" (Video)

Submitted by russell on