Stencil Videos

Peat's "Eye Luv 1984" (Video)

Submitted by russell on

Nabsky Sprays One in Sri Lanka (Video)

Submitted by russell on

Ataque23 - São Paulo, Brazil (Video)

Submitted by russell on

On sunday september 13, about 200 street artists took over a very popular avenue, called 23 de maio, with a very wide range of public artistic intervention: grafffiti, pixaçao, sticker, posters, stencils, photo, videoart, street poetry, etc., as a way of protesting against the policy of the city administration of erasing all the city walls. 9 of the artists were taken to jail (as you can see in the video linked below) and some hours later were released with no charges, only beacuse there was some press covering the action. All the art seen on the video, which is only a part of the whole intervention, was painted/done in about 5 hours that morning. At night on the same day the works were being erased, and there are no works left today.

SWOON Interview (Video)

Submitted by russell on

Chinese Paper Cutting (Video)

Submitted by russell on

Chris Stain: Brooklyn 7 Aug (Video)

Submitted by russell on

This month's main event takes place at Ad Hoc Art Gallery in Bushwick, Brooklyn on Friday, August 7th from 7-10 pm.
Armsrock and I will be working from the theme “I Know There is Love” from the Crass song of the same title.
We will be showing new work and installing in the space in attempt to draw out some feelings of hope.
If you can’t make it opening night the show will be open during regular gallery hours from August 7th – September 6th 2009.
Ad Hoc Art Gallery
49 Bogart Street
Brooklyn, NY 11206
Tel: 718.366.2466


atake visual 132k (Video)

Submitted by russell on

Session w. Nabsky (Video)

Submitted by russell on

Walrus TV: Swoon (Video)

Submitted by russell on

"I've always really had the sense of the way that people store things inside their bodies and the way that everything you've ever seen or ever done is a part of you.and I felt like in a way if I could somehow draw that.or make an x-ray - maybe it was just your experiences that day or maybe it's just what you walked past that day, or maybe it's a deeper story that's.somewhere in there for the telling."

LECKOmio: Littl Latrobe Street (Video)

Submitted by russell on

fm the artist: "the size of the work is 78x78 inches, or 200x200 cm. i know it`s just statistics, but in the end it was more than 300 stencils, and 250 hours of work"