Stencil Videos
Stencils and Reverse Graffiti (Video)
Found out about this video a while ago and chose not to watch it because it was a product-corporate sponsored piece. Since then, at least three people on my travels have asked me if I knew about this video. So I watched it tonight and must admit that Moose's work is pretty damn interesting. So here it is for all who haven't seen it yet to enjoy.
WACTAC Broken Crow Interview (Video)
The Walker Art Center Teen Arts Council (WACTAC) has started to do a series of interviews that feature Twin Cities artists in their studios. One of our first interviews is with stencil artist extrodinaire Broken Crow. Thought you be interested in checking it out. (Link to WACTAC)
Stencil Art by Dri (Video)
E aí, tudo certo? gostaria de saber, onde posso encontrar esse vídeo do youtube nesse site (see above), se puderem mandar o link ficaria muito grato.