Stencil Videos
KQED's Gallery Crawl Waxes Street Art (Update)
KQED's vidcast
Gallery Crawl spotlights art that doesn't hang on gallery walls. Some
great shots of stencil art, as well as other forms of street art, here
in San Francisco.
Note: The two stencil murals featured in this video are not by
Scott Williams. Got that one wrong on both accounts (Scott's stencils
are in the second one, along with Claude Moller, Stephen Lambert, Josh
MacPhee, and others). The first stencil mural is by Claude Moller, Josh
MacPhee, along with myself. You can see part of Scott's amazing mural
while they're featuring Clarion Alley works.
Update: Hi Russell: Sarah Skikne passed on the email (below)
regarding the misinformation in our Streets of San Francisco Gallery
Crawl episode. Sorry it took so long for me to correct the error -- I
was out of town due to a death in the family. Anyhow, I have corrected
the video and that new…
Koleszar Stenciling Phelan Building (Video)
Here's a video from John Koleszar, showing him spraying the Phelan Building stencil.
Alfonso Cuaron Utilizing Stencil-Style Animations (Video)
Alfonso Cuarón directed a short film for Naomi Klein's "Shock Doctrine" promotions, using effective stencil animations in the piece. Since I appreciate all the works of Cuarón and Klein, I thought that I'd pass along the link to watch the video. Concept, art, and animations was provided by ad house Foreign Office.
New Logan Hicks (Videos)
I added a new batch of Videos to YouTube and my blog Over the past year, I have been video taping various events, but I have neglected to upload them the internet. Doesn't do much good if you don't get a chance to see them, so I finally got off of my ass and uploaded these mother suckers. This is my first crack at video editing, so enjoy the fumblings of a novice video jockey.
Here are the videos and the URLs:
Logan Hicks installing art at BLVD
Logan Hicks in South Africa
Anthony Lister
Peat, a Stencilbilly, and a Corporation (Video)
Guilt-ridden plug for a soft drink I don't endorse, but man is Peat Wollager's video funny as hell or what? I grew up with real hillbilly's so this is a gut-buster, I tell you what.....
You may of heard this Spring/Summer I collaborated with Mountain Dew on a Limited Edition Bottle.
Well...they also had me create a Stencil Video inspired by the design.
Peep out the new
Resistencia Visual: Oaxaca Stencil (Video)
aki esta el link pa el video de fotos de stencil de oaxaca. saludos
Light Criticism Stencil Campaign from AAA and GRL
the Anti-Advertising Agency and Graffiti Research Lab have used laser-cut stencils to cover the annoying flat-screen advertising monitors found scattered throughout New York City. Go here to see a great video about the campaign.
Go here to download Gifs of the stencil and cover a few yourself! From the AAA site:
Advertising is the vandalism of the Fortune 500. And despite that, we still don’t like it.
Between October 2006 and December 2006, the City of New York has removed or obscured 59 illegal banners on sidewalk sheds. In that same period, Citibank Chase was forced to remove all illegal sidewalk projections at branches around Manhattan. And now, years into NYC’s crackdown on graffiti writers and protesters, after we’ve watched our friends be detained, arrested, beat, fined, tried, and given…
Stencil Session (FR, Video)
Find the link here.
Video by : Mode3Sub1 and Sadhu
Stencilers : Sadhu, fremantle, Hao.
Hip Hop don't stop ?!! ahhahaah !!