Artist Interview

A Chat with ECCE

Submitted by russell on

One of the earliest and most regular contributors to StencilArchive's photo cache just happens to be the farthest away. ECCE (Latin for behold and pronounced A-che) lives in Australia, where stencil art is apparantly beginning to really take off. After doing some research online, and figuring out that we're 17 hours apart, we then coordinated a couple of online chats. Here's what we discussed.

SA: Hey, is this ecce?

E: Sure is. How are you today?

SA: I'm fine. just got back from a Greek orthodox food festival. Thanks a lot for hopping online to chat.

E: No problem, I've been looking forward to it.

SA: Let's get started with questions. I'm interested in the name "ECCE". What does it mean? Or what's the story behind it?

E: It is Latin for "behold". I wanted to adopt a brand type name to parody the big corporations.

SA: Oh. I guess you pronounce it a-che then. You use the recycle symbol with it. Is that part of your "…

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A Talk with Chris Stain

Submitted by russell on

NOTE (June 2023): We just updated this 2002 interview with Chris Stain (his Stencil Archive), fixing formatting issues, a few typos, and making minor revisions where needed. Chris was an early supporter of Stencil Archive, submitting art for our early exhibits, being part of the "Stencil Nation" book project, and even sending art to sell while on the DIY book tour. Hope you enjoy reading about Chris just when his amazing career started to take off.

"I cut stencils as a way of documenting life; as a proof of my own existence and how I deal with that existence." – Chris Stain, from “Stencil…

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