Still Funny, But a Rare Banksy Fail (Video)
Banksy's shredding prank worked in rehersals, but still punked the elite art-collecting world IRL.
Welcome to the new/updated site! Since 2002, your old-school website for all things stencils. Please consider donating what you can to support the much-needed upgrade. Photo, video, links, and exhibit info submissions always welcome. Enjoy and stay curious.
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Banksy's shredding prank worked in rehersals, but still punked the elite art-collecting world IRL.
Just past the Autumnal Equinox.... some stencils to enjoy.
Photo/art: Joe Wasckerman in Seattle
C215 (thanks, BSA)
>NEW< Joe Wackerman (WA)
Sol (just one)
Gay Shame (just one)
Upper Haight (just one, from R$TR)
The Recent Climate Change Actions
The Richmond District (just one)
The Tenderloin and Civic Center
The Mission (thanks, Josiah)
New York (just one, by WK)
Photo: on the deAppropriation Wall, part of a memorial for René Yañez.
An end-of-summer upload, ya’ll! Thanks to: Amanda, Pod, Esmeralda, Josiah, Mary, Reddit, Brooklyn Street Art, and Street Art SF for the submissions/leads. While-uploading soundtrack is the free stream from LOCKN' fest.
0907 in Beijing (just one)
Blek in San Francisco
Robi the Dog (just one)
Seabrook, NH (just one, from 1977!)
Portland, OR (just one, #antifa)
Wisconsin (just one)
>NEW< RC Hagans
:::: Meanwhile, in San Francisco ::::
Clarion St. (just one)
The Mission (one from 1983!)
I'm the vessel, but the message is kept pure by inviting the viewer to interpret. Is it unsettling or beautiful? Tasteful or crass? Reverent or blasphemy? Or, everything at once, all the time?
Photo: Detail of a large piece by Adey WCA
Music support: Einstein on the Beach (1979 viynl ed.)
Thanks: Esmeralda, D'Louie, Kasia, and Gerry
>NEW< Mosko et Associés (with Jerome Mesnager)
Artiste Ouvrier (with Jerome Mesnager)
::: THE NEW WAVE(S) :::
>NEW< 2=1
>NEW< Adey WCA
>NEW< Guate Mao
>NEW< Paddy 13
>NEW< WCA (Working Class Artist) w. Artiste Ouvrier
Mimi the Clown (Just One)
Sobre (Just One)
Stinkfish (Just One)
Tona (Just One)
wrdsmth (Just One)
Here (LINK) are the rest of my photos of the stencils in the Parisian streets. Thanks to Esmeralda and D'Louie for a sharp second, sometimes third, set of eyes. Merci to Kasia for giving me and Esmeralda a great tour of the Belleville area and tipping me off to the street art cache in Butte Aux Cailles. If you visit Paris, take her tour.
Keep an eye out for the next Paris upload: the Artists of Paris. Coming Soon!
Featured photo: Groningen, NL (Friesland) ... thanks, Esmeralda
Music: Baker's Dozen (night two, set two)
But, wait! Banksy in Paris
>NEW< Joe Iurato
>NEW< Toxicomano (CO) (thanks, BSA)
>NEW< First ever stencil from Delaware… and it is corporate!
Just one from North Carolina (thanks, Karen)
The Netherlands (thanks, Esmeralda)
Just one from Portugal
Just one from Stefan Winterle
Just one from Turkey (not a Banksy) (thanks, Susi)
:::: San Francisco! ::::
Valencia Street (thanks, Josiah)
Adey is a french artist from Normandy. She's a member of the WCA team since 2008, when she discovered the "polychrome double stencil" beside Artiste Ouvrier.
Her artwork is between realism and onirism, either colorfull, either melted into the landscape, always full of vitality and sweetness.
Photo: Masked with a Continent, along the Canal Saint Martin
Stencil Archive is wandering the streets of Paris this Solstice week. We are posting our "best of" as soon as we can on social media (see links above) and then attempting to get batches of street work out soon after. Artist work will come a bit later this month (coming soon: Smile, Mimi the Clown, and Miss.Tic to name a few)
LINK HERE for today's uploads.