Welcome to the new/updated site, with revisions happening daily! Since 2002, your old-school website for all things stencils. Please consider donating what you can to support the much-needed upgrade. Photo, video, links, and exhibit info submissions always welcome. Enjoy and stay curious.

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Leon Rainbow E-Newsletter

I just updated my images and i now have a new system down to make it a whole lot easier.
So look out for more frequent updates on my images...
So check them out here

Thanks for the support,
Remember this is the time of year for outdoor murals.
So if your interested in having one created contact me at:

Thanks Leon

Da Vinci Art Alliance’s
2005 Annual Member’s Exhibition
July 10 to 30, 2005

Lord Hao's Kosmopolite 2005 Report

The "Kosmopolite 2005 : International Graffiti Festival" in Paris was amazing this year, I met writers from USA, Germany, Argentina, Spain, Palestine, Denmark...

(There's one stencil pic on the last page of this album)

Workhorse Studio Tags the Wireless Market with Its Mobile Content

Workhorse Studio and Wiredset, are proud to announce the launch of Workhorse Wireless: a digital library of contemporary urban graphics, images, photographs, and art for the mobile environment. The quality of Mobile content leaps forward with Workhorse's entry into the Mobile content market place. Working directly with the most respected artists in their fields, Workhorse is able to bring its art to market utilizing the technological expertise of the digital agency Wiredset.

Klutch drops an em to Stencil Archive

20 boards in one week. I have more in the works but was able to finish 20 of them in 7 days. No reason why, I just ran out of things to paint (besides records) and hit up Calsk8 for some castaways. Now I am trying to see how many I can do before July 1st. If you are in Portland on First Thursday in July stop by Zeitgeist to see how many I end up with. I am also in the Fifty-Fifty show that just finished up in LA and opens in NY July 14, here is a link - http://www.beckycity.com/ .

Keep shining,

Zapatista Stencils...RED ALERT!

June 19, 2005

To the People of Mexico:
To the Peoples of the World:

Brothers and Sisters:

Based on this, we are informing you:

Scott Williams Receives SFAI's 2005 Adaline Kent Award


Scott Williams's Main Stencil Archive
Here is Scott's San Francisco Arts Institute's Adaline Kent Award Exhibit Stencil Archive.

Scott Williams is an artist who has quietly made an indelible mark on the Bay Area landscape with his highly detailed, public stencil and spray-paint murals, paintings, and objects. Since the early 1980s, Williams's work has primarily taken the form of indoor and outdoor murals in gallery and non-art settings, but artist books, retail signage, nightclub bathroom walls, and art cars have all served as his media.

A California native and long-time San Francisco resident, Williams prolifically channels the spirits of psychedelic poster illustration, punk-rock show flyers, appropriation art, political activism, and contemporary street art that has strong and internationally influential roots in this city. His fruitful (not to mention maximal) merger of aesthetics and more than 20 years of devotion to his work make him a particularly fitting choice for the Adaline Kent Award, which honors notable artists of the Golden State.

His is a practice that unfolds in living, breathing West Coast locations. The Mission District flat where Williams lives and works is almost an installation work unto itself. The walls and furniture are covered with stenciled images of pop icons, gorillas, dictators, film stars, fish, art historical references, bicyclists, and a free-ranging selection of subjects. Atop the wall paintings are layers of discrete works on wood, paper, found furniture, black velvet paintings, and whatever else he can get his hands on.

Along with a hefty, but still modest, sampling of the many paintings and objects in his home and studio, this exhibition includes a number of Williams's Exacto cut stencils, essentially re-usable byproducts of his work that are remarkable objects in their own right. Intricate in a way that seems the antithesis of the gritty street context of the murals, the stencils provide a rare insight into the process of their making. The artist has described them as "stored energy"; whether recent or vintage, these works convey Williams's vibrant commitment to creating and sharing his vision.

- Glen Helfand, Guest Curator for SFAI